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Workout 320 - Half Murph

1/2 “Murph”

Run 800m


10 Rounds

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats


Run 800m

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…


Specific Warm Up

Perform the Hinshaw Warm Up if you are running, jumping rope, or doing any kind of bouncing for your cardio. Perform the Rowing Primer if you are rowing. If you are doing any other sort of cardio machine, heat it up!

After the cardio is ready, be sure to get in a few Pull Ups / BW Rows, Push Ups, and Squats before you start the clock.

10-20 steps/yards of each movement:

  • Over the Hurdle Sideways

  • Over the Hurdle Forwards

  • Knee to Chest

  • Figure 4

  • Lunge and Reach

  • Lunge and Twist

  • Tin Soldier

  • High Knees

  • Butt Kickers

  • Straight Leg Bounce

  • Side Shuffles (with and without arms)

Workout of the Day

½ “Murph”

Run 800m


10 Rounds


Run 800m

Workout Notes - LOTS of Workout Notes...

The workout known as “Murph” is performed by athletes around the nation every year on Memorial Day in honor of all of our fallen soldiers, but it is named after Lieutenant Michael Murphy, whose crazy story was made into the movie Lone Survivor.

The full workout is:

Run 1 Mile, then…

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Squats

Then… Run 1 mile. Also, if you can wear a weighted vest throughout the entire workout, do so.

This workout is intense, but it is an awesome tradition for those of us who do it every year. I think this will be my 9th year of doing it! This week, we will do 1/2 of the workout. In a few weeks, we will go for 3/4 of the workout, and then a few weeks after that will be the full thing. Just like all workouts, this one is scalable to everyone! Just wanted to let you know about the trajectory ahead of us.

Movement Mods


The run should be about 3-5min. If the distance of 800m is not doable for you, then shorten it up! If you are not running and have no other Cardio Device available to you, spend 4min doing any combination of running in place, high knees in place, butt kickers in place, and jumping jacks/jump rope.

If you are looking for a cardio substitution:

  • 1000m Row

  • 2000m C2 Bike Erg

  • 60 cal Assault/Echo Bike

  • 4min of Max Cardio on any other cardio machine of choice

Pull Ups:

The Pull Ups are meant to be kipping, chin over bar. If you do not have those, but you have strict pull ups, cut the rep count in half. If you think you can do the full thing with Strict Pull Ups, you are an animal. Especially if you are wearing a weight vest!

If you do not have pull ups yet, perform Body Weight Rows instead. This is the plan for Murph, too!

Push Ups:

Choose any type of push up that allows you to get alllllll the way to the bottom. ALL THE WAY. And make sure your elbows aren’t flaring out wide and you aren’t reaching your head to the ground before your torso gets there! Knee Push Ups are great, angled push ups are great, any type of press is great!


Any type of squat that allows you to go your deepest with flat feet and knees driving out is fantastic. Squat to a box. Squat to a chair. Squat to the couch. Just don’t short change yourself on the depth! Remember, the goal is to what? MOVE WELL!

Navigating the Workout

For today’s workout, we can go in one of two directions...

1. The first is to make this a Task-Priority Workout. That means that we will decide on an appropriate workload and you will look to complete it as quickly as you can, or as we usually put it: For Time. For this version, we should be shooting for a workload that can be accomplished in 20-30min. It needs to begin with a chunk of cardio, something roughly 3-5min long, and in the middle we should have the sequence of Pull Up (or BW Rows,) Push Ups, and Squats. If the workload written above (50 Pull Ups/BW Rows, 100 Push Ups, 150 Squats) is not an appropriate amount (because it’s A LOT) then try a different rep scheme. Something like:

10 Rounds

4 Pull Ups

8 Push Ups

12 Squats


10 Rounds

3 Pull Ups

6 Push Ups

9 Squats

Or even less rounds! Do what’s right for you!

2. The other, much simpler approach would be to turn it into a Time-Priority workout. This means that you follow the clock, switching moves when necessary. In that case, the workout looks like this:

4:00 - Max Distance Run (or another cardio substitution from the list above)


10:00 AMRAP

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats


4:00 - Max Distance Run (or another cardio substitution from the list above)

As you can see, this version is a lot easier to navigate! You just do your 4min of cardio, you do as many rounds of gymnastics as you can in 10min, then you finish with another 4min chunk of cardio. Done!

Accessory Work - None!

Cool Down

Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each:

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