1:00 of Max Burpee Box Jumps
:30 Rest
General Warm Up
3-5min of Easy Cardio, then…
10 Air Squats
5-10 Push Ups
5-10 Strict Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows
10 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
:15 - :30 Handstand Hold*
*Use any inversion you are comfortable with. If you can, progress from round to round to finish with a Wall Walk or Handstand Walk at the end of Round 3!
Specific Warm Up
Simple warm up today because we only have one movement on the docket. Try out 5 Burpees to find a variation that works for you. Then try 5 Box Jumps to find a height and variation that works for you. Then try 5 burpee box jumps to test what this is going to feel like. Ready!
Workout of the Day
1:00 of Max Burpee Box Jumps
:30 Rest
Workout Notes
Por que?! Oh right, intervals are good for us and so are burpees and sometimes we just gotta do stuff we don’t want to do because it’s good for us.
This workout is timed, so make sure you have a clock, stopwatch, or interval timer set up for yourself. It will make this MUCH easier. Pretty simple workout though. 1:00 of doing as many reps as you can and :30 to catch your breath. Repeat for 15min!
Burpee Box Jump Modifications
First off, the movement is just a Burpee and then a Box Jump. So if either of those movements are off the table for you today, just do the other one! If the Burpees are too slow for you to make progress in the one minute of work, try Squat Thrusts instead! If you don’t have a box, or box jumps freak you out, you can replace them with a variation found in the Box Jump video or with Power Jumps.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 25-75 Push Ups (any style) in as few sets as possible.
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Side
1-2min of Child’s Pose