16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
16 Toes to Bar
60 Double Unders
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then, at an easy warm-up pace…
8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Single Unders / Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
Start by testing out the Dumbbell Snatches. Do a set of three on your right arm and then a set of 3 on your left arm. Take a breather. Then try 6 reps alternating arms, switching your grip while the dumbbell is on the ground. If you want to, do one more set and try switching the dumbbell between your hands at hip level or while the dumbbell is moving, like I do in the video. But be careful of this one! No injuries to you or your floor!
Warm up your Toes To Bar or TTB mod with 3 sets of 3-5 reps.
After that, if you are working on double unders, go through the Jump Rope video and work through your options until you find one that works for you. If you are a double under wonder, heat them up however you please or try some Jump Rope Ladder Drills!
Workout of the Day
16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
16 Toes To Bar
Workout Notes
Ah, I love a classic triplet! And this is our second one this week! 1 weightlifting movement, 1 gymnastics movement, and one cardio movement. This workout is 4 Rounds FOR TIME, which means we want to attempt to get it done as quickly as possible, taking breaks when you need them. Warm up well and then get after it!
Dumbbell Snatch Modifications
The Snatches are meant to be 8 per arm in each round. If you can’t do them alternating, feel free to do 8 Right then 8 Left! If pulling the dumbbell from the floor isn’t happening for you, go with a Hang Snatch instead. If you are having trouble going overhead, try a dumbbell Power Clean. If you are having trouble going from the ground AND going overhead, go with a Hang Power Clean. If all of those feel super awkward, sub in some Russian Kettlebell Swings!
Toes to Bar Modifications
These are meant to be Kipping Toes to Bar, but all the same rules apply from our workout earlier this week with the Strict Toes to Bar. Any crunching movement will do, but if possible, I’d love for you to work on the grip strength and body awareness that comes along with the hanging variations found in the Toes to Bar video. However, if you don’t have that kind of thing at your disposal, you can use Sit Ups, V-Ups, any crunching variation you like, or your toughest Plank Variation.
Double Under Modifications
Any modification or drill found in the Jump Rope Video is great! If none of those work for you, go with Jumping Jacks. If you don’t like any of those options, check the Cardio Resources page and make yourself something that works for your body that lasts about 60-90 seconds per round.
Optional Accessory Work
We’ve done a lot of tough training this week, so if you’ve got any extra energy today, let’s spend it on 10-20min of Long Slow Distance work. This means getting your heart rate up to a low-moderate place and keeping it there, nice and steady. This is the antithesis of the up and down heart rate spikes that we purposely take ourselves through in our conditioning workouts!
Cool Down
1-2min in Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 Stretch on Each Leg