5 Strict Press
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
5 Burpee Over Bar
:30 Rest
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio to get nice and warm, followed by a quick….
5 Squats
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans - R
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans - L
5 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
The idea of this workout is to work up to one weight that allows you to do the whole complex unbroken, at least in the first few rounds. This will most likely be dictated by your Strict Press abilities! That’s the weakest part of this thing. Practice the whole combo with something light (maybe just a broomstick!) and then work your way up to a weight that allows you to do the whole shebang, but barely.
Workout of the Day
5 Burpee Over Bar
:30 Rest
Workout Notes
Alright this workout is all about the sprinties! As noted in the specific warm up, this complex is meant to be done fast and unbroken. That means you’ll pick the weight up to shoulder level and press it 5 times, then immediately bring it down to thigh level and do 5 hang power cleans (thigh to shoulder) then bring it down to the floor for 5 power cleans (ground to shoulder.) As soon as you finish your last rep, set the weights down for 5 Burpee Over Bar, in any style. That’s the complex! The goal is to rip through that as fast as you safely can, knowing that you’ll get a rest afterwards. The rest isn’t much, but it should be enough to breathe, get your mind right, then attack again. Go unbroken as long as possible! Sprint, rest, sprint, rest, etc.
Weightlifting Modifications
Because there are 3 weightlifting movements, the first choice would be to skip one of the movements entirely if it’s giving you trouble. For example, if going overhead is giving you trouble, just do the Hang Power Cleans and Power Cleans. Or, if going from the ground is giving you trouble, just do the Strict Press and Hang Power Cleans.
For the Strict Press, if it suits you for some reason, you could change it up and do Push Presses or Power Jerks instead.
For the cleans, you can swap either or both versions out for Russian Kettlebell Swings if the clean isn’t feeling right. If that doesn’t work, use a standard Deadlift.
Burpee Modifications
If you are doing burpees over a target, you can do them bar facing OR laterally. Totally up to you! If you aren’t down to be jumping over anything, just do a standard burpee in place. If you aren’t down for getting…down… use Squat Thrusts instead. If you want to make the movement a little slower and tougher in a strength domain, use 8 Count Body Builders.
Optional Accessory Work
3-5 Rounds
1:00 Plank
:30 Side Plank
:30 Other Side Plank
1:00 Glute Bridge March
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Arm
1-2min of Forward Folds