35 Double Unders
200m Run
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of your choice, followed by…
:10 Hollow Hold - Alligator Roll - :10 Arch Hold
5 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
First, heat up your Double Unders (or whatever kind of jump rope you do) by going through the Jump Rope Video. If you are a double under-er, I would recommend starting with a round of two of some Jump Rope Ladder Drills!
After that, rock that Hinshaw Warm Up and run a FAST 200m. We gotta get the body ready for sprinting!
10-20 steps/yards of each movement:
Over the Hurdle Sideways
Over the Hurdle Forwards
Knee to Chest
Figure 4
Lunge and Reach
Lunge and Twist
Tin Soldier
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Bounce
Side Shuffles (with and without arms)
Workout of the Day
200m Run
Workout Notes
Alrighty we’ve got a Beyond the Whiteboard Fitness Test on the docket today! It looks like a spicy, sprinty little couplet! For the serious double under-ers, 35 Double Unders is going to take like… 20 Seconds. YEAH. And for fast runners, that 200m run will be slightly under a minute, so with transition time, this could be like… 7 minutes of straight pedal to the metal! WOOOO!
If you are NOT a fitness cyborg, give yourself 1min or so to get the double unders in and 1-2min to run the 200m and transition back to the rope. So that puts us more around the 10-15min mark. As long as you’re sweating and huffing and puffing, you win!
For this one, it’s two cardio movements, which means you can take the above parameters and apply them to anything you find in the Cardio Resources Page!
Optional Accessory Work
Spend 10-20min on the Pull Up Strength Program!
Cool Down
1-2min of Calf Stretches
1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg