10 Deadlifts
20 Hang Clean and Jerks
1:00 REST
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
5 Air Squats + 5 Jump Squats
10 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
First decide whether or not you’ll be performing this one with a bar, single DB/KB, or double DB’s/KB’s. Then, practice this complex at low reps. Try 5 Deadlifts, 5 hang Clean and Jerks. If it feels doable, do that 2-3 more times, adding weight as you go.
Workout of the Day
10 Deadlifts
20 Hang Clean and Jerks
1:00 REST
Workout Notes
This workout is meant to be quite a bit of stamina, especially in the grip department! Each time through this complex should require one or MAYBE 2 breaks. Other than that, speed speed speed! The idea is to take one loaded weight and bring it from ground to thighs 10 times, then from thigh-to-shoulder-to-overhead 20 times. That’s a lot of hanging on to the weight! It should burn, but then you get a minute to shake it off again. If you use a single, one-handed weight (like a single DB/KB) then do split the deadlifts 5 per arm and the Hang C&J’s to per arm.
Not feeling the deadlifts? Go for 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, followed by the 20 Hang C&J’s.
Not feeling the overhead? 10 Deadlifts + 20 Hang Power Cleans.
Not feeling the Hang Clean? 10 Deadlifts + 20 Shoulder to Overhead.
Not feeling the whole Hang Clean and Jerk? Go for 10 Deadlifts + 20 Kettlebell Swings
Optional Accessory Work
Take 3-5 sets to accumulate 15 - 50 Strict Toes To Bar.
Cool Down
1-2min of PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min of Forward Folds
1-2min of Forearm Stretches