3 Turkish Get-Ups - R
3 Turkish Get-Ups - L
6 Bent Over Rows - R
6 Bent Over Rows - L
9 Devil’s Press
General Warm Up
Begin with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup. Give those joints some love! Then do 3-5min of Cardio, get nice and out of breath and then continue your warm up with…
10 Light Bent Over Rows
10 Sit Ups
10 Slow and controlled Arch ups
20 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
The Turkish Get-Up is a BRILLIANT movement for your body, but it definitely takes a high level of coordination. Make sure you practice this one for a WHILE before attempting it in the workout. Once you get the hang of it, try to find a weight/version that allows you to do 3 in a row on the same arm without putting the weight down.
After that, do 3 sets of 3 Bent Over Rows on each arm, moving up in weight (if possible) until you find a good weight for the workout. Remember, the total rep count will be 6 sets of 6 reps per arm.
Lastly, practice your Devil’s Press for 2 sets of 2-4 reps. This move has a lot of options as far as two weights, one weight, alternating or non-alternating, or no weight at all. But yeah it’s basically a weighted burpee. I KNOW, I KNOW.
Workout of the Day
3 Turkish Get-Ups - R
3 Turkish Get-Ups - L
6 Single Arm Rows - R
6 Single Arm Rows - L
Workout Notes
This one is pretty straightforward in its format. It’s FOR TIME, which means we want to do all 6 Rounds as quickly as we can. However, the Turkish Get-Up is a “slow and steady” kind of movement. That is not a movement that you ever want to rush! Once we get through our sets of 3 on each arm, we can pick up the pace a little on the rowing and the Devil’s Pressing.
Turkish Get-Up Modifications
The easiest way to modify the TGU is to use NO WEIGHT. In the video, I show this using a shoe balanced on a flat palm. You can do that or something like it to practice the full movement. If the weight is not the limiting factor, then you want to simplify the movement. That means only doing SOME of the steps. So if you are having trouble doing the full thing, maybe you just roll up to the elbow and to the hand, then reverse your way back down. That is sometimes called a HALF GET-UP. If you can take it further, roll to the elbow, then to the hand, hips up, sneak the leg through to come to the half kneeling position, but then instead of finishing your lunge (the hardest part for many folks) you reverse your way back down. Just go as far as YOU can and reverse back to the floor.
Bent Over Row Modifications
This was meant to be one arm at a time, but if you need to do a double armed variation (like a barbell) you can do 1 set of 12 reps or 1 set of 6 reps, whichever is most challenging at the weights you have available to you! If that movement isn’t on your list, use Bodyweight Rows instead.
Devil’s Press Modifications
All modifications can be found in the video. However, if none of them work for you, go with a standard Burpee or Squat Thrust.
Optional Accessory Work
Side Planks: 3 x ~1:00 on each side
Cool Down
1-2min of Happy Baby
1-2min (or more) of Legs Up The Wall