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Workout 349 - "Diane"



21 - 15 - 9


Handstand Push Ups

General Warm Up

Start with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup, followed by 3-5min of cardio to get your body warm. Then…


5-10 Sit Ups

:30 of Jump Rope Ladder Drills (or Jump Rope)

Specific Warm Up

Start by warming up the Deadlift. There’s a lot of info in the notes below about how heavy it should be, so read up and then start with a light (empty bar) set of 10 reps. Then, using sets of 5, gradually add weight until you are at your working weight of the day.

If you are doing Handstand Push Ups, start with a set of 3 CAREFUL negative reps. That means you’ll kick up, lower yourself all the way down with control, then kick down and reset. Repeat. Repeat. After that, try a few singles, and then string together a set of 5.

If you are doing Push Presses in place of HSPU (which is very likely) you should use the same process as outlined for the Deadlift.

Workout of the Day



21 - 15 - 9

Workout Notes

Oooooh a spicy test to start the week! This is one of my all time favorite tests. It should be heavy and SUPER fast! Don’t count it out just because it’s short! The warm up sets, plus the intensity of the workout, plus the accessory work and stretching should be plenty of work for one day. Also remember that it’s not about the individual workouts each week, it’s about how they all fit together in the long run!

The format of the workout is FOR TIME, which means we are trying to get through the whole thing as quickly (AND SAFELY) as possible. The 21-15-9 means that you’ll do 21 of each movement, then 15 of each movement, then 9 of each movement. So in long form, it looks like this:


21 Deadlifts

21 Handstand Push Ups

15 Deadlifts

15 Handstand Push Ups

9 Deadlifts

9 Handstand Push Ups

The weights are meant, at their HEAVIEST, to be between 155lbs and 225lbs. You can REALLY challenge yourself with these weights. If you are really going to push it on the weight, please please PLEASE be careful. Fast, heavy deadlifts can be a rough combo if you aren’t on your A-game. My recommendation is to find a weight that allows you to do the first set of 21 unbroken, but barely. That means the 15 probably will have to be done as a chunk of 8 and a chunk of 7 and then you can say a little prayer and try to make the 9 happen unbroken, but it probably will be more like 5 and 4.

The Handstand Push Ups are obviously an outrageously silly move that most people can’t do, but that’s ok! What is a kipping Handstand Push Up? It’s an upside down push press! Now a Push Press, that’s something we can all do! My recommendation is to use just enough weight to get that first set unbroken and then hold on for the ride.

If you are stuck with weights that will not challenge you for this rep scheme, you can pump it up by swapping out the 21-15-9 and instead do something like 30-20-10. You could also do something like 21-15-9-15-21. Either of these will add some spice and we all know THE SPICE IS LIFE. PS. Brie and I watched Dune this week and… what on earth WAS that?!?

Optional Accessory Work

Perform 3-4 sets of :30-1:00 of your toughest Hollow Hold variation.

Cool Down

1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on each side

1-2min of Child’s Pose

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