“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds - For Max Reps
1:00 of Wall Balls
1:00 of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
1:00 of Box Jumps
1:00 of Push Presses
1:00 of Rowing for Calories
**1:00 REST**
General Warm Up
Keeping it super simple today because there are a lot of movements to warm up and this workout is long and brings with it a hurt like none other.
3-5min of easy cardio of choice (rowing, if possible) then…
Greg Everett Full body Joint Rotation Warm Up
Specific Warm Up
This workout has 5 movements and each of them needs a few minutes to practice and warm up so take 10-15min to gather your equipment, heat up your moves, and be ready to go Full Ham Sandwich when the clock starts!
Workout of the Day
“Fight Gone Bad”
Full Gym Version
3 Rounds - For Max Reps
1:00 of Wall Balls (No heavier than 20# Ball)
1:00 of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (No heavier than 75#)
1:00 of Box Jumps (20” if possible)
1:00 of Push Presses (same bar as the SDLHP)
1:00 of Rowing for Calories
**1:00 REST**
Dumbbell Only Version
3 Rounds - For Max Reps
1:00 of Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters*
1:00 of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls or Russian KB Swings
1:00 of Power Jumps
1:00 of Single Arm DB Push Presses*
1:00 of Cardio**
**1:00 REST**
*Switch hands as desired
**Cardio Options:
Bike / Run / Jump Rope
Cool Down
Legs up the wall…. Forever.