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Workout 353 - Push Press and Front Squat


15 Push Presses

15 Front Squats

General Warm Up

Begin with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup. Get loose! After that, spend 3-5min getting nice and warm with some easy-moderate cardio of choice. Then…


Specific Warm Up

Two movements on the docket today! For each of them, make sure to do one set of 10-15 reps with a very light weight (or empty bar) to troubleshoot any potential problems. If the movement is safe for you, take 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps, adding weight gradually, until you find a weight that you can do for 15 reps in a row, but it should be challenging!

Workout of the Day


Workout Notes

This workout looks simple, but those are often the ones that sting the most! The idea here is to take a singular weight that is challenging for the 15 reps of Push Press, push through that set of 15 as unbroken as possible, and then go right into your set of Front Squats. The weight for the push press wouldn’t normally be very challenging for your legs (because legs will ALWAYS be stronger than arms) but you should be pretty winded and fatigued from the set of push press and that will make the squats harder. Of course then you’ll have to turn around and go right back to the push press which will be even harder this time around, which will make the squats even harder and so on and so forth! This workout is written to be FOR TIME, which means we want to complete it safely, but as quickly as possible. See below for modifications!

Push Press Modifications

The Push Press is just a vertical press with the help of your legs. If you are having trouble coordinating it with your legs and arms working together, scale it back one step and try a Strict Press instead. If you have DB’s/KB’s, this is one where I might consider doing one arm at a time, depending on shoulder flexibility. If you go this route (as spicy as it will be on the legs) I would say let’s do 15 reps per arm, per round. OOF! If the vertical pressing is not your jam, you can use any of our usual pressing variations, but be aware that we do have a workout called “THE CHIEF” coming up this week that is a really tough test and it has many push ups in it. Don’t swap in push ups/bench press today if you plan to do The Chief in the next 48 hours or so! Non Push Press options include: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press

Front Squat Modifications

This can be any kind of squat you like! My recommendation is a Dumbbell Squat Variation, but you could also just do Air Squats if that’s more up your alley. Any squat will do!

Optional Accessory Work

Spend 10-20min on your station of the Pull Up Strength Program!

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Side

1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Side

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