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Workout 361 - Bench, Row, Carry



Dumbbell Bench Press

Bent Over Row

*200ft Farmer’s Carry after each round

General Warm Up

Begin with 3-5min of easy cardio to get nice and warm, then…


5 Slow Arch Ups

5-10 Sit Ups

Specific Warm Up

We’ve got 3 movements to work on today. For the first two, Dumbbell Bench Press and Bent Over Row, we want to start with a set of 10 with a light weight (or empty bar.) After that, bounce back and forth between the 2 movements performing sets of 5-10 reps until you feel like you have a weight for each that allows for a challenging, but unbroken, set of 20 reps. Hint: it’s not going to be very heavy : )

After that, test the Farmer’s Carry to make sure you’ve got a doable route. If you are actually walking with your Farmer’s Carry but don’t have a great way to measure your route, just use 100 steps. To avoid having to count to 100 5 different times in this workout, I would map walk your route in the warm up, counting 100 steps, and then mark your route so you don’t have to think about it during the workout.

Workout of the Day



*200ft Farmer’s Carry after each round

Workout Notes

New week, let’s get after it! This workout is basically a strength workout at a high heart rate. The goal here is really to work the hell out of the upper body: push, pull, carry. The descending rep scheme should make it doable to keep pushing your pace, even through fatigue. If you’ve never seen a workout like this before, it is FOR TIME, which means we want to accomplish the work as quickly (but safely) as possible. In long form, the workout would be written like this:

20 Bench Press

20 Bent Over Row

200ft Farmer’s Carry

18 Bench Press

18 Bent Over Row

200ft Farmer’s Carry

16 Bench Press

16 Bent Over Row

200ft Farmer’s Carry


You can see how that gets messy when we write out a long workout that way, so the shorthand is 20-18-16-14-12. This should get pumpy REAL quick. Enjoy!

Bench Press Modifications

This is written as Dumbbell Bench Pressing, but any of our pressing options will do today. The Prerequisite is only that the movement is safe, beautiful, and that you can do that opening set of 20 reps unbroken (without stopping!) Here’s the pressing menu. Choose what’s best for you today: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press

Bent Over Row Modifications

Just like the Bench Press, any pulling motion is a great option! The Bent Over Row itself has many different variations, but you could also go with Strict Pull Ups (although you may need to cut the reps in half,) Bodyweight Rows, or any cable/band pulling you have available at home or in your gym.

Farmer’s Carry Modifications

As mentioned in the specific warm up, we can modify an actual walk to taking about 100 steps. You can pace that out before the workout begins (if you have some distance you can move) or you can use the marching-in-place version from the demo video and count to 100 steps. Just keep your core tight and braced (butt/abs/back muscles) like you are finishing a deadlift!

Optional Accessory Work

Let’s counter the upper body pump fest with some long, slow cardio today. That means we want to choose a cardio element (or multiple elements) and keep your heart rate up in a steady, moderate place for 10-20min. It’s good for ya!

Cool Down

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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