20ft - 40ft - 60ft - 80ft - 100ft
Handstand Walk
*50 Double Unders after each Walk
General Warm Up
Begin with the Joint Rotation Warm Up, then...
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
:30 Plank Up-Downs (or regular Front Plank)
10 Air Squats
10 Sit Ups*
*If it’s in your wheelhouse, swap out these sit ups for 5 Inverted Burpees.
Specific Warm Up
This workout only has two elements, but there are many ways to mix and match the skills to get a good workout. Check out the modification options below and warm up the variations that you think you may need. When you’ve touched on all of them, it’s GO time, DOOLEY!
Workout of the Day
20ft - 40ft - 60ft - 80ft - 100ft
*50 Double Unders after each Walk
Mix and match the following modifications for the Handstand Walk
Handstand walk attempts: If you can walk on your hands, but not far, take attempts each round until you feel satisfied with your distance and/or efforts.
Lift and Shifts / Palm Lifts: If you are strong upside down against a wall, the 1-to-1 modification here would be 1 hand lift per foot of HS Walk. So, 20-40-60-80-100 lifts. However, that is a BRUTAL amount so I would suggest cutting all of that in half for the sake of speed and not putting yourself in danger of injury!
Handstand Holds: Accumulate :15 - :30 - :45 - 1:00 - 1:15 of Handstand Hold
Piked Box Walks: Do one full Box rotation for every 20ft of HS Walk. So, 1-2-3-4-5. You could also do the piked box position (on a couch or chair) and use the “Lift and Shift” modification.
Plank Shoulder Taps / Plank Lift and Shifts: Just like the Lift and Shift, this would be 1-to-1: 1 shoulder tap per foot of HS Walk. But that may be too much, so I encourage you to cut it in half!
Forearm Plank Alternating Reaches: This one should be cut in half, or use a 1-to-2 ratio. So it would be 10 reaches, 20 reaches, 30 reaches, 40 reaches, and then 50 reaches.
Plank: Accumulate :15 - :30 - :45 - 1:00 - 1:15
Mix and match the following modifications for the Double Unders
50 Penguin Taps
50 Single Unders (jump extra high)
25 Jumping Jacks
:30 of Bicycle Crunches
:30 of Jump Squats
:30-:45 of any cardio of choice that works for you
Accessory Work - Pull Ups - Day 1
Spend 10min Working on your pull up strength! Lots of options to choose from:
If you have 5-10 Strict Pull Ups, Perform 3 - 5 Max Effort Sets, resting 2min between.
If you have 1-5 Strict Pull Ups, use the progressive model, detailed below.*
If you have a pull up bar, but do not yet have a strict pull up, use these 10min to work on chin over bar holds or eccentric chin ups.
If you do not have a pull up bar, use the following tempo for body weight rows on the rings OR Dumbbell Rows: 3-5 sets of 5-10 reps - for each rep, hold at the top for :03 and then take a full :03 to lower to starting position. Squeeze as hard as you can!
*Progressive Model: If you can one pull up, your first session would be 1 - 1 - 1. You’d continue doing that until you can do a set of 2. Then your sessions would be 2-1-1. As you get stronger, the progression would go to 2-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-2, 3-3-2, 3-3-3, and so on until you reach 5-5-5. Ideally this model would fit 3x into your weekly workouts.
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: