FOR TIME - Partition As Desired
50 Strict Pull Ups
100 Pistol Squats (50 Each Leg)
150 Hand Release Push Ups
General Warm Up
Begin with 3-5min of light cardio, get nice and warm, then…
5 Inchworms with a Push Up
5 Light Kettlebell Deadlifts
5 Light Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Light American Kettlebell Swings
5-10 Bent Over Rows on Each Arm
10 Feet Together Squats with a pause at the bottom
Specific Warm Up
Three movements on the docket today, but they are all “high skill level movements.” However, you know we always have modifications! Play with each movement’s video to see if those options work for you. If they don’t see the modifications section below. Once you find your variation for the day, do the following at a warm-up pace:
5 Pull Ups
5 Push Ups
Workout of the Day
FOR TIME - Partition As Desired
50 Strict Pull Ups
100 Pistol Squats (50 Each Leg)
150 Hand Release Push Ups
Workout Notes
This one looks fun! The tricky thing about this one is the format. This workout is FOR TIME, which means we want to accomplish the work in as little time as possible. However, HOW you get it all done is completely up to you! You could try to do all of it in a row (although I don’t recommend it) or you can do:
10 Pull Ups
20 Pistols
30 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
10 Pistols
15 Push Ups
Or… whatever wacky order you’d like! It’s totally up to you. Strategize and see how you can get it done the fastest!
Strict Pull Up Modifications
This is a huge amount of pull ups for anyone, but if you’ve got an assisted pull up machine or bands to attach to a pull up bar, it could be doable! I have a feeling for most folks this will be a Bodyweight Row, which is a beautiful tool for building those back and arm muscles. Tomorrow’s workout has Bodyweight Rows in it, so you could also swap in the trusty ol’ Bent Over Row today.
Pistols Squat Modifications
There are many cool options in the Pistol Squat Video, but if none of them work for you, you can do Lunges, Split Squats, or Box Step Ups. If you aren’t ready for single leg work yet, go for Air Squats!
Hand Release Push Up Modifications
The Push Up video has some great options including the often overlooked Combo Push Up. However, if you aren’t digging them, try something from our usual pressing menu: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press
Optional Accessory Work
3 x :30 - 1:00 Side Planks on each side
Cool Down
1-2min in Saddle Pose
1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side