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Workout 372 - Bike, Double Under, KB Swing


20 Cal Bike

50 Double Unders

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings

General Warm Up

Full Joint Rotation Warmup, then 3-5min of Cardio, followed by…


Specific Warm Up

Start by getting your Jump Rope Situation sorted out. If you are working on double unders, go through the Jump Rope video and work through your options until you find one that works for you. If you are a double under wonder, heat them up however you please or try some Jump Rope Ladder Drills!

Then, hit the Kettlebell Swing Primer. After the primer, work your way up to a Kettlebell that will be challenging for unbroken sets of 20 reps.

After that, hop on the bike (or whatever cardio you are using today) and do 1:00 at a moderate pace, then :30 at an uncomfortably hot pace, and then :15 or so of an all out sprint. Catch your breath and then we’re ready!

Workout of the Day


20 Cal Bike

Workout Notes

This workout is super straightforward! 5 Rounds of work to do and we are going to try to get through it as fast as possible. Bike, jump, swing, repeat!

Bike Modifications

This amount of Air Bike calories can be anywhere between :30 of all-out sprint to 2min of “oh my god I’m so out of breath why are the calories not MOVING” so it’s really up to you on the amount of time you want to dedicate to it. I would say a good round number of cardio per round should be about 1min but if you want a slightly longer workout, you could take it up to the 2min mark. If you need equivalents on other cardio machines or other non-equipment options, check out our Cardio Resources Page!

Double Under Modifications

Let’s keep this one simple! 50 Double Unders = 50 Single Unders or 25 Jumping Jacks. Boom.

Kettlebell Swing Modifications

The Russian Swing is a pretty manageable movement for most folks, but if it’s too violent/ballistic for you, go with a simple Kettlebell/Dumbbell Deadlift.

Optional Accessory Work

TABATA: Air Squats

*A Tabata is 8 Rounds of :20 of work and :10 of rest. Highly recommend using a Tabata Timer (many free ones out there!) or looking up those GOD FORSAKEN TABATA SONGS…

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds

1-2min of Calf Stretches

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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