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Workout 40 - Optimus Prime



800m Run


30 Clean and Jerks

60 Toes to Bar


800m Run

*In the style of “Murph.” Running must be completed at the beginning and at the end. The C&J and TTB can be partitioned as you please.

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…


Specific Warm Up

If you are running, be sure to get a thorough Hinshaw Warm Up in, followed by a short run.

Regardless of whether you are using a barbell, dumbbells, or PVC pipe today, warm your way up to your working weight for the clean and jerk using this complex:

Your working weight should be something you could clean and jerk for 10-15 reps unbroken, if necessary. Once you start to get close to what you think you want to use for the workout, switch to doing 3 Power Clean and Jerks as you warm up.

Workout of the Day



800m Run



800m Run

*In the style of “Murph.” Running/cardio must be completed at the beginning and at the end. The C&J and TTB can be partitioned as you please.

This means that you do your cardio first, then, you can get creative with the middle. Maybe you do three rounds of 10 Clean and Jerks + 20 Toes to Bar. Maybe you go with six rounds of 5 Clean and Jerks and 10 Toes to Bar. Maybe you just go by feel and go back and forth, chipping away until you are done. As long as you SOMEhow accomplish the workload, you are done with that section and you move on to the final chunk of Cardio.

Modifications for the 800m Runs

  • 4:00 of any Cardio you like

  • 2000m C2 Bike

  • 1000m Row

  • 50 Cal Assault Bike

  • Perform the following Circuit in place of each chunk of cardio:

1:00 of Burpees

1:00 of Air Squats

1:00 of Pose Pulls / Running in Place

Modifications for the Clean and Jerks

These can be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or PVC Pipe. If the movement is too complicated, break it into chunks. For every rep of “Clean and Jerk,” do 1 deadlift, 1 hang clean, and then put your weight overhead however it is the most comfortable for you!

Modifications for the Toes to Bar

Switch to V-Ups, Sit-Ups, or any other ab movement that works for your body!

Accessory Work

3-5 Rounds

:30 Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold - R

:30 Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold - L

1:00 Rest

Cool Down

Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each:

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