20:00 AMRAP
5 Strict Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
5 Strict Pull Ups
400m Run
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of Cardio to get nice and warm, then…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
5 PVC or Empty Bar Overhead Squats with a :03 hold at the bottom
10 Plank Up Downs or :30 Front Plank
50 Double Unders or Single Unders
Specific Warm Up
3 movements on the docket today. Whether you are doing Strict Pull Ups, Bodyweight Rows, or Bent Over Rows, spend some time working them from an easy warm up set to a place where you feel like you will be decently challenged by a set of 5. This angle/weight should NOT be 10/10 difficulty. 20min is a long time so let’s make it like a 7/10 and let that fatigue build up over time.
After that, if you are working on double unders, go through the Jump Rope video and work through your options until you find one that works for you. If you are a double under wonder, heat them up however you please or try some Jump Rope Ladder Drills!
Finally, let’s hit that Hinshaw Warm Up and get those leggies ready to run!
10-20 steps/yards of each movement:
Over the Hurdle Sideways
Over the Hurdle Forwards
Knee to Chest
Figure 4
Lunge and Reach
Lunge and Twist
Tin Soldier
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Bounce
Side Shuffles (with and without arms)
Workout of the Day
20:00 AMRAP
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Strict Pull Ups
400m Run
Workout Notes
This workout looks like it’s going to be fun! This type of workout is known as an AMRAP, which stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible. This means that we will set a timer (in this case, 20:00) and for the duration of that timer, we will continue cycling through the work as many times as we can. The workout ends when the timer ends. Pull, Jump, Pull, Run. Repeat until the time is up!
Strict Pull Up Modifications
This is a tough strength movement in the middle of a bunch of huffing and puffing. I love and hate that! This movement can be any pulling motion, but the best subs would be Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows.
Double Under Modifications
50 Double Unders = 50 Single Unders, 50 Penguin Taps, or 25 Jumping Jacks. If you aren’t digging those, make your own cardio circuit that lasts about :30 to 1:00 using our Cardio Resources Page. Just be sure to make it something different from the running, if possible!
Run Modifications
This Run should be 2:00 or less. If you don’t think you can run that distance in under 3min, I would recommend pulling the distance back so you can run faster for a shorter amount of time. Of course, you can always use our Cardio resources page for equivalents and other ideas!
Optional Accessory Work
3 Sets of 10 of your most challenging Glute Bridge Variation
3 Sets of 10 of your most challenging Hamstring Exercise (Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl, Hamstring Curls, Nordic Curls, or a curl machine at your gym)
Cool Down
1-2min of Child’s Pose
1-2min of Calf Stretches on Each Calf
1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Side