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Workout 382 - "Lynne"



Max Reps Bench Press @ Bodyweight

Max Reps Pull Ups

*Rest as needed.

General Warm Up

Start today with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup. Treat that body right! Then, get in some easy cardio for 3-5min before completing…


1 Turkish Get-Up on Each Side with no weight (practice!)

5 American Kettlebell Swings (if you are comfortable with it)

5-10 Sit Ups

Specific Warm Up

This workout has only two movements, but they will both take some extra time to warm up and there are many decisions to make about each of them. Get in a set of 10 Bench Press with an empty bar, then start to work your way up to the weight you think is appropriate for you.

For the Pull Ups, see the notes below the workout and decide which version you are choosing. Then, do a few sets of 5-10 reps to make sure those biceps are ready!

Workout of the Day



Max Reps Bench Press @ Bodyweight

Max Reps Pull Ups

*Rest as needed

Workout Notes & INSTRUCTIONS

Alrighty we’ve got a classic CrossFit Benchmark workout today that we’ve never done at PPF! This workout can go many ways depending on how you’re feeling. No matter what, it’ll give your upper body a lot of strength training and a huge pump! Let’s break it down….

First of all, the bench press. In order for this workout to be done at its highest level, you are supposed to use a barbell loaded to whatever your bodyweight is. Now, unless you are a crazy good bench presser, I wouldn’t recommend that for anyone who rocks PPF as their main fitness source. We don’t bench a whole lot on this program, so that level of bench pressing may be dangerous for you, even if it’s in reach. I would recommend finding a version, be it Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Floor Press, or even Dips or Push Ups, that allows you to get 10-20 reps per set, at least for the first few sets. Oftentimes the elite scores on this workout are about 20 reps of bench press in EVERY round, but we can and should expect our reps to fade. If you start doing 10’s, it may end up more around 5 reps. If you start with 20 reps, you may end closer to 10. The goal here is to get in a whole bunch of pressing AND pulling, so make whichever choice allows you to get in a solid number of reps with HEALTHY shoulders!

For the Pull Ups, we have choices. Again, reps should be anywhere between 10 and 30 reps in your opening round. This workout is frequently done with kipping pull ups, which leads to that higher rep count. If you are going with strict pull ups, make sure you can do at least 5 consistently throughout the rounds. However, if you can set up some sort of assist (maybe using bands or an assisted pull-up machine) I’d recommend setting yourself up to be hitting numbers closer to 10 in the opening rounds. If you are using Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows, follow the same idea. Use a weight/angle that allows you to get no more than 20 reps in a row with maximum effort!


This workout can be done many different ways. Technically, it’s not FOR TIME, it’s FOR MAX REPS. That means that you can rest as long as you want to, whenever you want to, but your sets must be UNBROKEN. What does that mean? It means that for the Bench Press, once you lift your weights up to do a set, you do as many reps as you can until you put them down. Once you put them down (or rack them) your set is over. For the pull ups/bodyweight rows, once you are hanging from the bar, your set has begun. Do as many reps as you can and once your hands come off the bar or your feet are supporting your weight, your set is over.

So you could…

Bench, short rest, pull up, short rest, etc.

Bench, pull up, long rest, bench, pull up, long rest, etc.

Bench, pull up, short rest, bench, pull up, long rest, bench, oh my god rest, pull up, oh no rest, etc.

You can do it however you’d like! My personal favorite is to go more or less directly from the bench to the pull ups and then rest a good 3min after each set of pull ups. It gets so pumpy, so fast!

In the end, this is 5 rounds of max effort pushing and pulling and that’s all that matters!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 3min in Each Side Plank. Break it up however you need to!

Cool Down

After this one, we’ll need ALLLLLL the upper body stretches!

1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side

1-2min of Child’s Pose

1-2min of Tricep Stretches on each side

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