21 - 15 - 9
Pull Ups
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5-10 Single Leg Deadlifts on each leg (no weight)
5 Push Ups
5 Sit Ups
Specific Warm Up
The Thruster is a Front Squat directly into a Push Press. In order to warm up (AND test to make sure they’re safe) let’s start with 5 Front Squats with a light weight (dumbbells or empty bar) and then 5 Push Presses. Set your weight down, take a break, and then try 5 full thrusters. If the coordination and positions feel good, start to work your way up in weight to the weight you hope to use today.
For the Pull Ups, decide on which variation is right for you today based on the notes section below and then make sure you practice at least 3 sets of 5 reps.
Workout of the Day
21 - 15 - 9
Workout Notes
Holy cow. There is SO much to say about Fran! I’ll keep it brief. This workout is infamous for being one of the toughest and fastest combinations of movements out there. Squat+Press+Pull. There’s nowhere to hide! This workout is FOR time and in long form it will look like this:
21 Thrusters
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
When this workout is modified appropriately, it is going to be super uncomfortable and relatively non-stop. It could be as fast as a 2:30 SPRINT that lays you out on the floor for a long time afterward or it could be more like 10min of huffing and puffing and grinding out those reps. In my humble opinion, if it takes you more than 10min to achieve the full workout, you probably made it too technically difficult on yourself. Again, if slow and steady is the choice that is right for you today, go for it! But the design of this workout is such that it should be short and very intense. This week, workout 1 is moderately long, workout 3 is extremely long/slow/steady, workout 4 is strength-only, and workout 5 is interval training. So today’s short and intense workout rounds things out!
Here is my advice for achieving a short and intense workout with Fran…
First of and always foremost, choose movements that you can do safely and with 100 percent certainty. If you choose a movement that is sketchy when you’re NOT tired, it will most certainly become a mess when you are extremely tired.
Secondly, choose weights/variations that allow you to perform the opening 21 reps in a row UNBROKEN. Meaning: without stopping. After that, it’s going to be anything goes. If you choose a weight that you have to break up 1-2 times in the opening round, you will crawl to the finish line.
Thruster Modifications
As I mentioned in the specific warm up, this is just a squat and a Push Press. If you can’t do the push press, just do the squat. If you can’t do the Push Press, just do a Barbell Front Squat, Dumbbell Squat Variation, or an Air Squat.
Pull Up Modifications
I always think Fran is a good day for Jumping Pull Ups as a substitution, but many folks don’t have that at their disposal. You can also do an assisted pull up of some kind if you have that available at your gym. If you don’t, set your Bodyweight Row at an angle that allows you to hit that first set of 21 unbroken and let’s go!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 2-3min in each Side Plank. Break it up however you need!
Cool Down
1-2min of Couch Stretch on each side
1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side