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Workout 388 - Tabata Gymnastics

Tabata: Box Jumps

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Bear Crawl

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Sit Ups

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Burpees

General Warm Up

3-5min of light Cardio of choice, then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

Start with Box Jumps. Begin by trying a set of 5 Power Jumps, just to make sure you can jump and land safely. After that, try to jump over something in front of you, like a broomstick or even just a line on your floor. This will add some forward momentum to your jumping and landing. Some of you may want to stop there! If you can jump up onto something, go for it! Try it out for a set of 3-5 reps to make sure it’s safe.

After that, let’s move on to the Bear Crawl. Try the variations in the video for about :20 each and see which one you like.

Next Up, go through the Sit Up video and try 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps.

After that, do 3-5 Burpees and I think we’re ready to go!

Workout of the Day

Tabata: Box Jumps

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Bear Crawl

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Sit Ups

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Burpees

Workout Notes

Holy Tabata Tacos with spicy Tabata sauce. This is gonna burn! It’s been a while since we did a Tabata-centric workout so here it comes!

If you’ve never done a Tabata before, one Tabata is:


:20 of Max Effort Work

:10 of rest

Especially with a workout that has this many Tabatas back to back, you’re going to want to download a Tabata timer if you haven’t already. The way this works is simple. Set your Tabata timer, hit go, and then do as many box jumps as possible within your 8 rounds. Your timer will tell you when to go and when to rest. When you’re done with the box jumps, take one minute to rest and then do the same with the Bear Crawls. Take a one minute rest and then do the same with Sit Ups. Take a one minute rest and then do the final Tabata with Burpees. This whole workout will take about 19min.

Box Jump Modifications

The Box Jump video covers just about every modification I can think of, but if you can’t get airborne, go for some Air Squats or Kettlebell Swings instead.

Bear Crawl Modifications

If none of the options in the video work for you (don’t underestimate them!) try a Plank variation, Plank Shoulder Taps, or something from the Handstand Walk!

Sit Up Modifications

These can be anything from the Sit Up, V-Ups, or Toes To Bar videos. But if none of those work for you, try something like a Hollow Hold, Mountain Climbers, or Bicycle Crunches.

Burpee Modifications

Go for standard Burpees, Squat Thrusts, or 8 Count Body Builders. It’s only one Tabata! You can do it!

Optional Accessory Work

Perform 3 x 10 of Glute Bridges. If the movement is too easy for you, do them single leg or add weight!

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side

1-2min of Saddle Pose

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