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Workout 390 - Wall Ball and Row


20 Wall Balls

500m Row

20 Wall Balls

750m Row

20 Wall Balls

1000m Row

20 Wall Balls

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

For the Wall Balls, start by doing 5 single reps with a light ball. This means for each rep, you’ll do one squat, stand up aggressively and throw the ball, but then just let the ball fall. Pick it back up and repeat. For the next set of 5, try to catch the ball and go into the next rep. Then do a third set with the weight of ball that you think you want to use for the workout to make sure it’s appropriate for you.

After you’ve got your Wall Balls situated, hit the Rowing Primer followed by a speedy 250m to 500m-ish row to put it all together. Then, catch your breath, get a timer set up, and VAMOOOOOS!

Workout of the Day


500m Row

20 Wall Balls

750m Row

20 Wall Balls

1000m Row

20 Wall Balls

Workout Notes

Today we’ve got a really high horsepower combo, but it’s super simple! This workout is FOR TIME, which means we want to get through it as quickly as we can while performing every rep with very solid technique. This one does not contain multiple rounds, so you will just go right down the list until you’ve reached the end of the workout! This one is gonna have me huffin’ and PUFFIN’!

Wall Ball Modifications

The Wall Ball is nothing more than a Squat, followed by a Push Press. If you don’t have the space for wall balls today, go with a Thruster variation instead. Keep in mind though, that one Wall Ball would equate to a thruster with about 40 total pounds of weight. With dumbbells that means a maximum of 20lbs per hand. Don’t go above that! In fact, with this many reps on the docket, I’d recommend just using a PVC pipe! If you really want to humble yourself, do this workout with Jump Squats or Air Squats only. I promise it’ll still be very effective!

Rowing Modifications

If you are a very solid technical rower, these rows should look something like:

500m Row = 2min

750m Row = 3min

1000m Row = 4min

If you don’t think you can row those distances in those time periods PLUS one minute (500m Row in 3min, 750m in 4min, 1000m in 5min) then you should shorten your distances to be able to row harder. An easy way to do this would be to just row as hard as you can for the time frames listed above. Then your workout would look something like:

20 Wall Balls

2:00 Row

20 Wall Balls

3:00 Row

20 Wall Balls

4:00 Row

20 Wall Balls

You can apply the exact same ideas to any cardio device or movement that you find on our Cardio Resources Page, so make it your own!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3min in each Side Plank.

Cool Down

1-2min of Saddle Pose

1-2min of Samson Stretch on each side

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