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Workout 393 - Bike and KB Swings


20 Calorie Air Bike

20 American Kettlebell Swings

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…

3 Rounds

5 PVC Squats (Overhead or Arms Out)

Specific Warm Up

Let’s start with the Kettlebell Swing Primer. After that, decide whether you are going to do overhead Swings (American) or eye-level swings (Russian) and do sets of ~5 swings, gradually working your way up until you get to your working weight of the day.

After that, hop on the Air Bike (or your cardio of choice) and do…

:30 Easy / :30 Rest

:30 Hard / :30 Rest

:10 ALL OUT / Rest until you’ve caught your breath

Workout of the Day


20 Calorie Air Bike

20 American Kettlebell Swings

Workout Notes

Well this looks simple and nasty! This workout is FOR TIME, which means we are looking to push the pace as fast as we can go without losing our technique. Both of these movements require a lot of horsepower so expect this one to make your heart rate go through the roof!

Air Bike Modifications

The Air Bike is truly heinous and it’s a hard thing to replicate in any other way, but truly, any cardio-based movement will work for this workout. A 20 Calorie Air Bike can vary wildly depending on bodyweight and strength level. For this workout, I would call it a 1-2min effort. That means if you don’t have an Air Bike, you can use our Cardio Resources Page and put together your own version of a 1-2min burner for each round!

Kettlebell Swing Modifications

As written, these swings should be American, but if that doesn’t work for your body or equipment, feel free to make them Russian instead. If the swing is too ballistic of a movement for you, you can go with a standard Deadlift instead.

Optional Accessory Work

3-4 Rounds - NOT For Time

20 Slow Glute Bridge March Steps

:30 Side Plank - R

:30 Side Plank - L

*Rest as needed

Cool Down

1-2min of Samson Stretch on each side

1-2min of Forward Folds

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