10 Bent Over Rows
10 Strict Toes to Bar
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio and then…
3 Rounds
(Alligator roll to...)
Specific Warm Up
After yesterday’s wacky looking workout, we’ve got a simple triplet to warm up for today. Start with the Kettlebell Swing Primer. Then, perform 3 rounds of the following, starting with light weight (or no weight at all) and gradually increase the weight/difficulty each round:
3 Rounds
3 Strict Toes To Bar
Workout of the Day
10 Strict Toes To Bar
Workout Notes
A classic triplet. I love it! This workout is FOR TIME, which means once we are all warmed up and ready to start the clock, we want to try to get through all of the work in as little time as possible while remaining safe and keeping the technique nearly perfect.
If you are doing Single Arm Rows, do 10 per arm. If your Toes to Bar substitution isn’t super hard for 10 reps, feel free to add more!
Bent Over Row Modifications
If you did yesterday’s workout, you did some horizontal pulling on that day as well. This was purposeful “interference.” You can use any of the same pulling tactics for today, but note that if you are doing the Day 3 workout tomorrow, it’s going to start with the pull up program and I want you to prioritize that work. If you are doing 3 pulling days in a row, let’s switch things up entirely today and go with Hang Power Cleans instead. This is a very different movement, but it’s a sneaky way to hit the same pulling/posterior chain muscle groups without directly doing the same move 3 days in a row.
Strict Toes to Bar Modifications
Any crunching movement will do, but if possible, I’d love for you to work on the grip strength and body awareness that comes along with the hanging variations found in the Toes to Bar video. However, if you don’t have that kind of thing at your disposal, you can use Sit Ups, V-Ups, any crunching variation you like, or your toughest Plank Variation.
Kettlebell Swing Modifications
If you have dumbbells or a KB that makes 20 swings in a row too difficult, do 10-15 reps per set instead! If you have weights that are too LIGHT to make 20 swings in a row too difficult, go ahead and switch these to American (overhead) swings. If you aren’t feeling the swing at all, go ahead and do Deadlifts instead.
Optional Accessory Work
Perform 3 Planks, 1:00 each, choosing your toughest variation or variations.
Plank Menu: Front Plank, Side Planks, Around the World Plank, Single Arm Plank, Plank Shoulder Taps, or, depending on your specific back situation, even Hollow Holds or Hollow Rocks.
Cool Down
1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat
1-2min of Forearm Stretches