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Workout 406 - "Annie"



Double Unders

Sit Ups

General Warm Up

3-5min of Easy Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

Simple one today with a lot of reps. Hit up the Jump Rope Variation video and decide what you’re going to do for your double unders and get that going. Next, choose and practice your sit up variation if you are doing anything different from the sit ups in the general warm up. Otherwise, you’re ready to rock!

Workout of the Day



*This is a re-test from Week 50, the week of 12/13/21

Workout Notes

This workout is an old school JAM and a favorite in the Borguilar household! It’s just a simple couplet, performed as fast as possible. 50 double unders, 50 sit ups, 40 double unders, 40 sit ups, 30 double unders, 30 sit ups, 20 double unders, 20 sit ups, and finally 10 double unders and 10 sit ups. Get after it! If you are new to this type of work or still working up to doing 100+ sit ups in one session, I’d HIGHLY recommend taking down the number of sit ups. The way it’s written, you’ll do 150 sit ups in a relatively short amount of time, which could leave folks hobbled if they aren’t ready for it! Humble yourself, don’t hobble yourself : )

Double Under Modifications

First of all, if you have double unders, but you think doing 50-40-30-20-10 will take you forever, then you can either drop the number down to something manageable OR turn it into a time based endeavor. In order to do that, you’ll do as many double unders as you can in :30, :25, :20, :15, and :10.

If you don’t have double unders, you can do Single Unders or Penguin Taps with the same rep scheme, or the same time scheme as above. I’ve mentioned this before, but if you are a single underer FOR LIFE then I’d highly recommend this awful Drag Rope from Rx Smart Gear. It makes my single unders feel as hard as double unders!

You can also do 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 of Jumping Jacks in place of the jump rope.

If you’d like to use an alternate form of cardio, use our Cardio Options Page and find an option that works for you in the same approximate time scheme: :30, :25, :20, :15, and :10.

Sit Up Modifications

This is a lot of sit ups! As mentioned in the notes, you may want to bring the rep count down so that you don’t end up so sore that you can’t get out of bed. Another often swept-under-the-rug idea is that for some, doing this many sit ups at a fast speed will rub off some skin by your tailbone. It’s SUPER uncomfortable, especially when that shower hits the first time! If you have a track record of this happening, pick an ab movement that feels safer to you!

If sit ups aren’t your thing, swap in V-Ups or any crunch you like to do. If folding in half isn’t your thing, then choose your toughest plank variation (maybe Around the World Planks or Single Arm Planks) and do them for 1:00-:55-:50-:45-:40.

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3min in an Arch Hold Then… build those hamstrings! If you’ve got a Swiss Ball, do 3-5 sets of 10 Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls. If you’ve got a hamstring curl machine at your gym, hit that up! If you have no equipment, do 3 sets of 5 Hamstring Walkouts or 3 sets of 5-10 Nordic Curls. Gotta keep those hammies juicy and thicc!

Cool Down

1-2min of Child’s Pose

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