Every 1:30 x 8 Rounds (12min)
5 Single Arm Deadlifts - Right Arm
5 Single Arm Hang Power Cleans - Right Arm
5 Single Arm Hang Power Snatches - Right Arm
-Repeat the sequence on the Left Arm-
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
10 Squats
10 Lunges
10 Sit Ups
25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Single Unders
Specific Warm Up
Easy warm up today! I really just want you to run through the whole complex once with little-to-no weight. Nothing wrong with pantomiming this complex! Or bust out the ol’ soup can dumbbell. Make sure you understand it all and feel it out. After that, gradually work up to what you think will be your working weight for the day. Boom!
Workout of the Day
Every 1:30 x 8 Rounds (12min)
5 Single Arm Deadlifts - Right Arm
5 Single Arm Hang Power Cleans - Right Arm
5 Single Arm Hang Power Snatches - Right Arm
-Repeat the sequence on the Left Arm-
Workout Notes/Modifications
I love this kind of workout! Today’s workout is a sort of an EMOM, which we haven’t done in a while. EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute. In these types of workouts, you’ll need a clock that beeps every minute, so you know when to “Go.” Each round should be started at the beginning of each new minute (or, ON the Minute…get it?) which means you may or may not have some rest time at the end of each round before the clock beeps. Let’s break down today’s moves.
The Deadlift is moving the weight from ground to thighs. Keep the back flat, the chest big, and bend those knees! At the top of your last rep, the weight will be sitting at thigh level. From there, we can start our Hang Power Cleans, which is going from thigh level to shoulder level in one motion. After that, we can transition to the Hang Power Snatches, which go from thigh level ALL THE WAY OVERHEAD in one smooth motion. For these, we do not stop in the middle. Once all 15 reps are achieved on the right arm, repeat that whole thing on the left arm and then rest until the click beeps to signal the beginning of your next round. I am thinking this should be about 1:00 of work and :30 of rest.
If we perform this workout for the full 8 rounds, that means we will be done in 12min. Remember that if 8 rounds is too many for you, you can always bring that number down. The whole point of this program is to make it right for YOU!
To modify this workout, just keep the number 15 reps in mind and modify the movements to add up to 15 (or 16.) For example, if the deadlift isn’t working for you, but the other two movements are, you could do 8 HPC and 8 HPS, which adds up to 16. If you are cool with the deadlift but your shoulder isn’t digging the snatches today, maybe do 8 Deadlifts and 7 Hang Power Cleans per round instead. As long as our rep count is close to 15ish, you’ll still be getting the same feel.
Optional Accessory Work
Perform 3-5 sets of Max Effort (as many as possible) Hand Release Push Ups. Rest as needed between sets.
Cool Down
1-2min of Forward Folds
1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side