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Workout 416 - KB Swings and Lunges


Min A: 45 seconds of Max Kettlebell Swings

Min B: 45 seconds of Max Weighted Lunges

Min C: Rest

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio of choice, then…

3 Rounds

3 Inchworms (no push up)

Specific Warm Up

Start with the Kettlebell Swing Primer. After that, decide on which type of swings you want to do and work your way up to a weight that you can swing for 20+ reps in a row.

Then, test out some Walking Lunges with no weight and make sure this is a safe movement for you today. If it is and you are adding weight, be sure to do 2 sets of 6 Lunges (3 per leg) with your weight(s) to practice how you’re going to hold them and to make sure you aren’t biting off more than you can chew!

Workout of the Day


Min A: 45 seconds Max Kettlebell Swings

Min B: 45 seconds of Max Weighted Lunges

Min C: Rest

Workout Notes

Today’s workout is what’s known as an “ALT. EMOM.” That stands for Alternating Every Minute On the Minute. In these types of workouts, you’ll need a clock that beeps every minute, so you know when to switch (alternate) between movements. Each movement should be started at the beginning of each new minute (or, ON the Minute) which means you may need to factor in using the last 10-15 seconds of each minute as time to transition to your next movement. Let’s break down today’s moves.

Minute A is :45 of Kettlebell Swings. These can be any style of swing, but the idea (at least in the early rounds) is to try to keep that weight swinging for :45 without stopping. This will probably be 20-30 swings! That’s a lot and it will get grippy and your heart rate is going to climb, for sure. Because this is written to be :45 of work, that means that you will have :15 to rest/transition before the next minute of work.

Minute B is :45 of weighted Lunges. Again, these can be any of the many styles of lunges from the video and can be weighted or unweighted. The main goal is for them to be pain free and super challenging. If Lunges aren’t your jam or you just want something different, try another single leg movement like Split Squats, Step Ups, or Pistol Squats!

Minute C is rest, so with the extra :15 of rest from the end of Minute B, you’ll actually have 75 seconds before you loop back around to Minute A.

That is 1 Round. Repeat the process until you’ve reached a total of 6 Rounds or however many Rounds are right for you!

Optional Accessory Work

Ab Blaster #1


:30 REST

Cool Down

1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on each side

1-2min of Happy Baby

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