Strict Pull Up: 5 x 5
150 Burpees
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio of choice, then…
3 Rounds
:15 Hollow - Alligator Roll - :15 Arch - Alligator Roll - :15 Hollow
10 V-Ups
Specific Warm Up
Not much to warm up on this one! The main goal is to do 3-4 LIGHT sets of whatever your pulling movement is to gradually work up to your the tough (working) sets of the day. Here are two examples:
A. If I am going to do my 5 x 5 of Pull Ups with 25lbs of weight around my waist, then I will first do 5 Pull Ups with no weight, then a set with 10lbs, then maybe a set of 3 reps at 20lbs. This set of 20 should be close enough to let me know whether my estimation is accurate for the day.
B. If I’m doing Bodyweight Rows with my rings and I want to lean back at something like a 20 degree angle, then I will first do an easy 5 at ~60 degree angle, then another around ~40 degrees, then I’ll test the 20 degree and angle for a set of 2-3 to make sure it’s appropriate.
Workout of the Day
Strict Pull Up: 5 x 5
150 Burpees
Workout Notes
We’ve got a super basic day here, but it promises to be intense! We are starting with some strength work and then going into a brutally simplistic conditioning workout. I don’t program these two-parters very often, but when I do, it’s usually because the second piece is some sort of horrific Burpee extravaganza and no one wants to do any accessory work after that! Let’s break down the day:
Pull Ups: In its toughest version, this part should be 5 incredibly hard sets of 5 Strict Pull Ups. What does that mean? It means that on your 4th Strict Pull Up, you should be thinking “Holy CRAP I don’t know if I can do this 5th rep but LET’S GO!!!” and then you complete it with solid form. If it’s easier than that, it may not be enough of a challenge. After each set, rest at least 2min. If you don’t have a way to add weight or you just prefer more reps, you can also do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps instead. You can also apply everything I just wrote to Bodyweight Rows, Bent Over Rows, or an assisted Pull Up Machine / Lat Pull Down Machine at your gym. For your Pull ups today, any grip will do, as long as the reps are strict and healthy! Alllll the way down. Alllll the way up. Relax your neck!
Of course, if you cannot yet do a pull up, you can swap this whole section out for the Pull Up Strength Program as well!
Now, the burpees. Ooooooh the burpees. Let’s first talk about the workout AS WRITTEN. The task here is to try to do 150 burpees in as little time as possible. I’m pretty good at burpees and my BLISTERING pace is about 25 per minute, a rough but repeatable pace for me is about 20 per minute, and a “comfortable” (lolz) pace is around 15 per minute. If we take that 15 per minute and expand it to 150 reps, that’s 10min of burpees. That’s… a lot of burpees. For that reason, I’ve got two main recommendations for substitutions today. The first, is that you pick a number LOWER than 150 that you think you can get done in less than 10min. The second is that you just set a 10min timer and do as many burpees as you can, at your own pace!
If burpees aren’t happening for you because of your back or because it is impossible for you to get all the way down to the floor and back, try Squat Thrusts, or 8 Count Body Builders instead!
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on each arm
1-2min of Child’s Pose