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Workout 420 - EMOM: Snatch, Push Up, Box Jump

ALT EMOM x 4 ROUNDS (16min)

Min A: 16 Alt. DB Hang Power Snatches

Min B: Max Push Ups

Min C: Max Box Jumps


General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio of choice, then:


15 Pose Pulls on the Right Leg

15 Pose Pulls on the Left Leg

Specific Warm Up

Let’s start with the dumbbell snatch prep because it’s definitely the most complex part of today’s workout. We’re going to warm up the full movement, even though the workout only calls for HANG Snatches. Begin with a set of 3-5 Hang Power Snatches on each arm. If that goes well, do 3-5 Power Snatches from the floor, but do all reps on the right and then all the reps on the left, like this. After that, try a set of 6 alternating reps, switching hands at the bottom, like this. That’s really all you need to be comfortable with, but if you WANT to (and aren’t at risk of damaging your floors) then you can try the movement switching hands on the way down.

After you get done with your snatch prep, do 3 sets of 3-5 Push Ups to make sure that the movement is safe for you today.

Finally, set up your Box Jumps (or Broad Jumps or Power Jumps) and give those a set of ~5 reps to make sure that they’re going to work for you today.

Workout of the Day

ALT EMOM x 4 ROUNDS (16min)

Min A: 16 Alt. DB Hang Power Snatches

Min B: Max Push Ups

Min C: Max Box Jumps


Workout Notes

Alrighty, let’s GO! Today’s workout is what’s known as an “ALT. EMOM.” That stands for Alternating Every Minute On the Minute. In these types of workouts, you’ll need a clock that beeps every minute, so you know when to switch (alternate) between movements. Each movement should be started at the beginning of each new minute (or, ON the Minute) which means you may need to factor in using the last 10-15 seconds of each minute as time to transition to your next movement. Let’s break down today’s moves.

The first move is the Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch. This movement is simply bringing a weight from thigh level to over your head in one smooth motion. These are written to be alternating, but if that feels scary for you, you can do 8 on one arm and then 8 on the other arm. These reps should take somewhere between 2-3 seconds per rep, so that accounts for 30-45 seconds of minute A. With whatever time is left over, rest and get ready for Push Ups.

Minute B should be spent accumulating as many push ups as you can! That doesn’t mean that they have to be unbroken. Break up your sets and shake your arms out as many times as you need to, but you only have one minute!

Minute C is the same, but with box jumps. Get in as many as you can, right up to the buzzer, because the final minute is rest.

After you’ve rested during Minute D, you’ve completed 1 round. Do that 3 more times for a total of 4 Rounds, which will take 16 minutes.

Dumbbell Snatch Modifications

Today’s snatch is the simplest version, take a dumbbell in one hand, let it hang at arm’s length (thigh level) then use your legs and hips to drive the dumbbell all the way overhead in one motion. If moving the dumbbell that far isn’t clicking for you, you can do a slightly different movement that allows you to stop in the middle: the Hang Power Clean and Jerk. In this version, you pop the weight from thigh to shoulder, stop for a moment and THEN push it overhead. If the overhead portion isn’t working for you, you can do a single arm Hang Power Clean instead. If the whole thing feels funky, just do Kettlebell Swings!

Push Up Modifications

I would love for your Push Up to stay as some sort of horizontal press (pressing away from your chest forwards instead of upwards) but you can choose any press that works for you today: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press

Box Jump Modifications

The Box Jump is really meant to be an explosive, plyometric movement with the lower body. That means that even if you don’t have something to SAFELY jump to, you can just jump! That means Broad Jumps, Power Jumps, or even Jump Squats. If you don’t have to ability to get airborne, go with a simple Air Squat or Deadlift. Squeeze that butt! (...your OWN butt.)

Optional Accessory Work

Perform 3-5 Sets of 5-10 Strict Toes To Bar, Hanging Knee Raises, V-Ups, or Sit Ups.

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side

1-2min of Happy Baby

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