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Workout 442 - DB Cleans and Lunges

15:00 AMRAP

10 Single Arm DB Hang Power Cleans - Each Arm

10 Single Arm DB Hang Power Snatches - Each Arm

20 Overhead Walking Lunges (10 Steps Each Arm)

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, followed by:


5 Inchworms (with Push Up)

10 Lunges

25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Single Unders

Specific Warm Up

We’ve already had some lunges in the General Warm up, so go ahead and test out 4-6 lunges with a weight overhead to see if that movement is in the cards for you today. If it’s not, don’t worry, there are substitutions below!

This workout has some of the MOST words in the title of the movements which is very silly because they are outrageously simple. Start with trying 5 of the Hang Power Cleans on each arm (popping the weight from thigh height to shoulder height.) Then do the same with the Hang Power Snatches (popping the weight from thigh height to overhead.) After that little test, you should have a good idea as to whether or not to use these movements today or to substitute. If you are going to use them, go ahead and play around with different weights to see if you can find one weight that allows you to do all three movements!

Workout of the Day

15:00 AMRAP

20 Overhead Walking Lunges (10 Steps Each Arm)

Workout Notes

As mentioned above, this workout is WORDY but it is really much simpler than it looks, so don’t be intimidated! For starters, this type of workout is known as an AMRAP, which stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible. This means that we will set a timer (in this case, 15 minutes) and for the duration of that timer, we will continue cycling through the work as many times as we can. The workout ends when the timer ends.

This workout starts by taking a dumbbell (or kettlebell) in one hand (let’s say the right hand) and swinging/popping it up from thigh height to shoulder height 10 times. Then you switch hands and do 10 with the left. Now we go back to the right hand and this time, we pop the weight ALL the way over head in one motion for 10 reps, then we switch to the left hand and do 10 reps over there as well. Finally, we bring the weight back to the right hang and do 10 lunges with the weight locked out over head. Switch to the left arm and do the same thing there and your round is over! Repeat that process until the clock runs out.

Hang Power Clean Modifications

This is one movement that almost everyone can do, but if you aren’t liking it, you can go with a single arm Bicep Curl. If you are looking to get more total-body-action, you can also replace this with a Russian Kettlebell Swing.

Hang Power Snatch Modifications

If you are having trouble getting the weight overhead in one fell swoop, go with a Hang Power Clean and Jerk. Again, that’s a lot of words for “bring the weight to your shoulder and THEN press it overhead.” If you can’t go overhead at all today, then just do more Hang Power Cleans!

Overhead Lunge Modifications

If you are having trouble maintaining a locked out arm while doing lunges, you can do any weighted lunge found in the lunge video. If you aren’t down with weighting the lunges, do them body weight only! You can also use step ups or any split squat variation.

Optional Accessory Work

Perform 3 Planks, 1:00 Each. Choose your most difficult hold (or different holds) from the Plank menu so that each minute is extremely challenging and then rest as needed between Planks: Front Plank, Side Planks, Around the World Plank, Single Arm Plank, Plank Shoulder Taps, or, depending on your specific back situation, even Hollow Holds or Hollow Rocks.

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds

1-2min of Child’s Pose

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