500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run
General Warm-Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
:15 Arch Hold
5 Sit Ups
Specific Warm-Up
If you are running today (or if not but you just like this warm up) get in the Hinshaw Warm Up.
10-20 steps/yards of each movement:
Over the Hurdle Sideways
Over the Hurdle Forwards
Knee to Chest
Figure 4
Lunge and Reach
Lunge and Twist
Tin Soldier
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Bounce
Side Shuffles (with and without arms)
If you are rowing, start with this Rowing Primer before digging into at least 250m of warm up rowing.
Workout of the Day
Gym Version
500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run
Equipment-Free Version
50 Jumping Jacks
21 Burpees
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Side Plank - L
*Start on Forearms, go up to hands, go back down to forearms = 1 Rep
If you don’t have the Up-Downs for this workout, you can hold a plank for 1:00 or do 20 leg lifts in plank position.
Other Cardio Equivalents
1000m C2 Bike
500m Ski Erg
25-30 Cal Air Bike
2min Spin Bike
Accessory Work
Take 5min to accumulate as much time as possible in an L-Sit variation, Tuck-Sit Variation, or Hollow Hold Variation.
Cool Down