10 Toes to Bar
10 Hang DB Snatches per Arm
10 Pull Ups
1:00 REST
General Warm Up
3-5min of cardio of choice, followed by:
5 Inchworms (No push up)
10 Lunges
30 Double Unders or Penguin Taps
Specific Warm Up
We’ve got 3 movements on the docket today and they’re all pretty “high skill,” so we’ve got some work to do! Let’s hit them in order.
First, let’s prep the Toes to Bar. If you have a pull up bar, follow this warm up. Start with a 5-10 second hang from the bar to get your hanging muscles prepped. Then come down. Then, do a set of 3-5 Strict Hanging Knee Raises and come down. Then do a set of 3-5 Kipping Hanging Knee Raises and then come down. Finally, go for a set of 3-5 full Toes to Bar. If you do not have the full Toes to Bar, follow that same warm up, but stop at the movement you plan to use. If you do not have the ability/equipment to hang from a pull up bar at all, do 3 sets of 5 reps of whatever Toes to Bar modification you plan to use today. See notes below for options.
Today’s Dumbbell Snatches are from the hang, which means we are just swinging from hip level to overhead. No need to pull from the ground. Try a set of 3-5 reps on each arm to make sure it feels ok. Then, if you have the equipment available, work your way up in weight until you feel like you have a weight that will be challenging for 10 reps in a row. These can be done 10R-10L or alternating. Whatever you are comfortable with!
Finally, let’s head back to the pull up bar for 2-3 sets of 3-5 pull ups. If you aren’t going for Pull Ups, do the same with your chosen mod of the day.
Workout of the Day
10 Toes to Bar
10 Pull Ups
1:00 REST
Workout Notes
This one looks like a forearm destroyer! Very grippy. This workout is FOR TIME, which means that the goal is to get through all 5 Rounds (or however many rounds you plan to do) in as little time as possible. Because all of these can be very grip-centric, there is a mandatory 1:00 rest at the end of each round. That means that you have the ability to push the pace from movement to movement because you know you will get to rest after each round! Your grip is going to fatigue, so I anticipate having to break these movements up at some point, but push yourself to sprint straight through without stopping on as many rounds as you can!
Toes to Bar Modifications
Any crunching movement will do, but if possible, I’d love for you to work on the grip strength and body awareness that comes along with the hanging variations found in the Toes to Bar video. However, if you don’t have that kind of thing at your disposal, you can use Sit Ups, V-Ups, any crunching variation you like, or your toughest Plank Variation.
Hang DB Snatch Modifications
This is a pretty simple movement, so most should be able to do some version of it. However, if you are having issues going from hips to overhead in one smooth movement, go with a Hang Power Clean and Jerk. If you can’t put weight overhead today, you can go with a Hang Power Clean only. If you are having trouble coordinating this movement entirely, you can use any version of a Kettlebell Swing that you like.
Pull Up Modifications
These are meant to be kipping pull ups, but you can feel free to use Strict Pull Ups if that’s more up your alley. 10 reps is a lot to repeat on Strict Pull Ups, so you may want to drop the number down a bit to keep the “sprinty” nature of this one. If you don’t have access or ability to use these movements, go with our trusty Bodyweight Rows or a Bent Over Row Variation.
Optional Accessory Work
Side Planks: Accumulate 1:30 (3 x :30) to 3:00 (3 x 1:00) on each side.
Cool Down
1-2min of PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min of Forearm Stretches