500m Row
:30 Side Plank - Each Side
:30 Arch Hold
:30 Glute Bridge March
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of choice, followed by:
:30 of Plank Up Downs (or Front Plank)
10 Box Step Ups (Or Lunges)
10 Squat Thrust + Box Jump*
*1 Squat Thrust + 1 Box Jump x 10. If you don’t have a box, apply the same idea to the power jumps.
Specific Warm Up
This workout is pretty simple, so start with a quick test of each of the 3 static holds (Side Plank, Arch Hold, and Glute Bridge March) to make sure they are safe for you today. After that, rock the Rowing Primer, followed by a ~250m row. Ready to rock!
Workout of the Day
500m Row
:30 Side Plank - Each Side
:30 Arch Hold
Workout Notes
This workout is FOR TIME, which means we want to get through it as quickly as possible, but also as safely as possible. This workout uses one of my favorite fitness tools, which is combining things that get your heart rate up (Rowing) with things that force you to squeeze and hold still (static holds.) This can be uncomfortable, but I find it to be a really important way to train! So, that being said, the workout is simply that: Get your heart rate up with the cardio, then squeeze-squeeze-squeeze on the holds!
Rowing Modifications
If you don’t have a rower available to you, you can use our other regular cardio movements like Running, Power Walking, Biking, Jumping Rope, etc. Check out our Cardio Resources Page for 500m row equivalents or for help creating your own cardio piece. We should be cardio-ing somewhere in the ~2min range, so let that be your guide!
Side Plank Modifications
The side plank video covers options all the way down to beginning level, but if you’re looking for a different way to hit the lateral core muscles, another unique way to do it would be to use the Single Arm Farmer’s Carry!
Arch Hold Modifications
Again, this is a pretty accessible movement, but if it’s not your jam, try some slow and controlled Good Mornings instead.
Glute Bridge March Modifications
If you are having trouble with this one in particular, try Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, Nordic Curls, Hamstring Walkouts, or a Standard Glute Bridge.
Optional Accessory Work
Practice your Handstands/Inversions or Handstand Walks for 10min! Remember, even just holding Down Dog position counts. It’s good for your brain and body to invert once in a while, so get in a few holds that align with your personal goals.
Cool Down
1-2min of Forward Folds
1-2min of Saddle Pose