400m Walking Lunge
General Warm-Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5-10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 Hollow Rocks
5 Slow Squats with a hold at the bottom
Specific Warm-Up
Do some lunges! : )
Workout of the Day
400m Walking Lunge
Okaaaay let’s talk about this one! This is a great workout, but it could very easily get out of hand if you overstep your body’s ability level. My lunge steps are pretty much exactly one meter, which means this workout is 400 lunges for me!
So, the first suggestion is to do Walking Lunges for a shorter distance, like 100m - 200m. Believe me, this will still be very hard and your legs will be FEELING it the next day or… the rest of the week. This would still probably be 100-200 lunges in a row!
My next suggestion for a step down is give yourself a time and/or rep count goal. Like, “I will do as many lunges as I can in 10min” or “I will shoot for 200 lunges, as fast as I can'' or, the combo of “I will do as many lunges as I can in 10min or 200, whichever comes first.”
If lunges are something that you do not have the strength for, swap in the following workout instead:
5 Rounds
1:00 of Air Squats
1:00 Rest
Accessory Work
Work on your pull up strength!
Option 1: If you are able to consistently do sets of >10 strict pull ups, add some weight to your pull ups to give yourself 3 challenging sets of 8-10 reps.
Option 2: If you are able to do 5-10 strict pull ups in a row, go for 3 sets of as many reps as you can.
Option 3: If you are able to do 1-4 strict pull ups, do the following complex 3-5 time, resting in between each attempt: 3 Top-Half-Pull-Ups followed by a :10 negative chin up.
Option 4: If you cannot do a pull up, but you have a pull up bar, try to accumulate 3-5 reps of a :10 chin over bar hold.
Option 5: If you cannot do a pull up and do not have a pull up bar, do 3-5 sets of the following: 10 Bodyweight Rows or Dumbbell Rows + 10 Dumbbell Pullovers
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: