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Workout 61 - "Triple 3"

“Triple 3”


3000m Row

300 Double Unders

3 Mile Run

General Warm Up

Go through the Hinshaw Warm up and then finish with 2min of Cardio

Specific Warm Up

If you are rowing, hit the Rowing Primer. After that, get in some jump rope and get after it!

Workout of the Day

From the 2014 CrossFit Games...

“Triple 3”


3000m Row

3 Mile Run


Ok listen. The amount of people who should attempt this workout in full is NEXT TO NO ONE. Like… NO ONE. So if you are looking at this and thinking “I bet I could do it…” please text me so I can talk you out of it : )

However, all workouts can be modified! I like the idea of this workout and here’s how I think you should approach it…

This workout should be loooooong and it should involve several different pieces of Cardio. For very high level athletes who are completing the full workout, I would break it down like this…

Cardio Piece #1 - 10-15min

Jump Rope - 5min

Running (or Cardio #2) - 20-25min.

If you are someone who is accustomed to grinding out an hour long workout, you can choose any piece of cardio for number 1 and number 2 (treadmill, rower, bike, powerwalk, stairclimber, unicycle, etc) and just go as far as you can in the allotted times.

However, most folks should probably not attempt this type of volume, so you should modify it down even further. Something like:

10min Row

3min Jump Rope

15min Run

Again, any cardio device of choice will do! The idea/format remains the same.

If you have NO cardio devices, go for something like this:

Alt. EMOM x 10min (twice through)

Directly into: 3-5min of as much jump rope (or jumping jacks) as possible

Directly into: 15min max distance run/walk

Cool Down

Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each:

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