10 Overhead Squats
20 Deadlifts
10 Squat Thrusts over Bar
40 Double Unders
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
25 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
If you are using a barbell for your Overhead Squats, perform the barbell snatch warm up with an empty bar and then start working up to your weight for the workout.
If you are using a dumbbell or dumbbells, use the notes below the workout to decide which version you would like to do and be sure to fully warm that up before getting to the workout.
Also, heat up that jump rope!
Workout of the Day
20 Deadlifts
10 Squat Thrusts over Bar
Workout Notes
Overhead Squat Modifications
This is definitely the tricky move of the bunch! Many folks cannot do a proper overhead squat without losing good form. If this is you, do not force it! With the barbell, you could do the same workout with Front Squats or Back Squats.
With the dumbbells, the overhead squat is even harder. If you are going to try to Overhead Squat with a dumbbell, make this 10 total squats, 5 with each arm. If that’s not happening for you, choose any kind of dumbbell squat that works best for you to get in 10 challenging reps!
Of course, you could also choose to do the Overhead Squat with a PVC pipe or do air squats with no weight at all, if that’s the best level for you!
Deadlift Modifications
In a perfect world, this workout would be done with one barbell for the whole thing. That would mean that your deadlifts would be based on your overhead squats and thus, would be a little on the lighter side. You don’t HAVE to do it that way, especially if you are very limited by the squat, but don’t let the weight on the deadlifts get too out of control. Think lighter, faster, unbroken sets of 20.
If you are going with dumbbells today, you can choose any form of single or double dumbbell deadlift that works for you!
Squat Thrust Modifications
If you have an object to jump over (barbell or dumbbells) these can be done “bar facing” or laterally. Whatever works for you and your space. If you don’t have the space or equipment for the “over” part, just go with regular squat thrusts. If you can, you’ll do a squat thrust on one side of your bar/DB/KB and then hop over the object. That’s one rep.
Double Under Modifications
Standard substitutions would be… 40 Single Unders, 40 Penguin Taps, 20 Jumping Jacks, or any cardio that gets you out of breath for 30 seconds.
Optional Accessory Work
3-5 Rounds
:10 Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold - Right Leg
5 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Right Leg
:10 Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold - Left Leg
5 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Left Leg
*Rest as needed*
Cool Down
1-2 min of Forward Folds
1-2min of Calf Stretches and/or Foam Rolling