20min AMRAP
500m Row
20 Wall Balls
20 Sit Ups
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, followed by…
10 KB Deadlifts
10 Squats
20 Mt. Climbers
Specific Warm Up
If you are rowing, go for the Rowing Primer and then row 250m at a moderate pace.
Workout of the Day
20min AMRAP
500m Row
20 Wall Balls
20 Sit Ups
Workout Notes
This workout is meant to be a relatively constant cardio sesh for 20min. Reminder, AMRAP means “As Many Rounds As Possible.” Set a clock for 20min and keep working through it over and over again until the clock expires. This one should get sweaty!
Row Modifications
If you are rowing, this is meant to be a 1:45-2:30 sort of rowing interval. If 500m will take you longer than that in the first round, pull the meters back to a place that allows you to complete it in the desired window of time.
If you are not rowing but you have another cardio device, the same rules apply, but some standard conversions are:
1000m C2 Bike Erg
400m Run
25-30 cal Air Bike
If you have no equipment and cannot run, we are going with the old school substitution of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls! This is a gnarly rowing sub and I absolutely love it. The standard conversion is 1 SDLHP with an empty barbell (35-45lbs) for every 10m of rowing, so that’s 50 reps for each row. However, keep in mind that you should modify that number to something that works for you and YOUR bod! You can use anything from a PVC pipe to single/double DB’s to an empty barbell, but do NOT exceed 45lbs on this movement. Toooooo much.
Wall Ball Modifications
The first set of wall balls should be unbroken! You can use any ball and throw it to any target, but you should get 20 in a row on your first set and it should be pretty not fun. It shouldn’t be horrible, but pretty… not fun.
If you don’t have a way to do wall balls, we are going to do dumbbell thrusters instead. The standard sub for 1 wall ball is one thruster with ~40lbs. Let that guide you on whether or not you should be using two dumbbells or one. For example, if I used my 50lbs DB’s, I would not want to do DOUBLE DB thrusters, because that would be 100lbs. But if I use my 25lb DB’s, I could do double because that makes 50lbs and that’s close enough for jazz.
Remember to let the first unbroken set be your guide. Doing this with a PVC pipe may be perfect for you and that’s great!
Sit Up Modifications
Go for any ab movement that works for you, your back, your hips, and doesn’t tear up your butt crack too bad! Crunches, Sit Ups, V-Ups, Toes to Bar, etc. will all do nicely.
Accessory Work
None today! This 20min sesh should be plenty!
Cool Down
1-2min of Saddle Pose
1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat
1-2min Child’s Pose