3 Rounds - Each For Time
300m Row
15 Toes to Bar
300m Row
*Rest 3:00
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio, followed by…
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5-10 Sit Ups
1:00 of Jump Rope Ladder Drills or Freestyle Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
If you are rowing, hit the Rowing Primer!
Workout of the Day
3 Rounds - Each For Time
300m Row
15 Toes to Bar
300m Row
*Rest 3:00
Workout Notes
This workout is meant to be a sprint! The idea is to go full speed for the work, knowing that you are going to get a 3min rest. This should get uncomfortable!
Rowing Modifications
This row is meant to be about one minute of all-out effort! You can supplement any cardio movement that you want and just go as hard as you can for one minute. Any cardio will work, but note that there are Burpees in Workout #5 so double up at your own risk!
If you have no cardio movements available to you and you don’t want to run, try something like this:
3 Rounds - Each For Time
15 Toes to Bar
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings
*Rest 3:00
Toes to Bar Modifications
This number of toes to bar should be annoyingly high each round. If you have toes to bar, but you think 15 will take you forever, drop the number down to something you think you can get in 2-3 quick sets at the most. If possible, go with any hanging movement from the Toes to Bar/Knees to Elbows video. If that’s not in the cards for you, any form of V-up or Sit Up will work!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate as many Push Ups as possible in a 5 minute window!
Cool Down
10 World’s Greatest Stretch on each leg
1-2min in Samson Stretch on each leg
1-2min in Child’s Pose