17min AMRAP
5 Turkish Get Ups - Right Hand
5 Turkish Get Ups - Left Hand
:30 Arch Hold
10 Burpees
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
3 Rounds
5 Inchworms (No Push Up)
10 Sit Ups
Specific Warm Up
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the Turkish Get-Up! It’s a tricky one!
Workout of the Day
17min AMRAP
5 Turkish Get Ups - Right Hand
5 Turkish Get Ups - Left Hand
:30 Arch Hold
10 Burpees
Workout Notes
This workout is all about the core strength! Some folks will want to stick with a partial Turkish Get Up, maybe with no weight at all. Others who are more comfortable may want to load up the weight and push it! Either way, that midsection should be smoked after this one. Squeeze tight and keep that spine stable!
Turkish Get Up Modifications
Everyone should be able to find something in the Turkish Get Up Video that works for them. Just make sure you modify the weight (if you do any at all) and take your time in each position to make it perfect!
Arch Hold Modifications
The arch hold is a simple movement but for folks with back issues, it can aggravate some things. If that’s you, go with 10 Slow PVC Good Mornings or :30 of a Glute Bridge variation of your choice.
Burpee Modifications
Everyone should be able to find some sort of burpee that works for them, but 10 may be too many in a row! Bring that number down to something that you can do pretty quickly, in a row, without stopping. At least in the first few rounds!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 10-15 Hamstring Walkouts in as few sets as possible.
Cool Down
1-2min of Forearm Stretches
All of the minutes of Legs Up The Wall