Min. A - :30 Arch Hold
Min. B - :30 Hollow Hold
Min. C - 1:00 of Glute Bridges
Min. D - 1:00 Sit-Ups / V-Ups
Min. E - Rest
General Warm Up
*Note: if you did Murph recently, it is very important that you move today! I know you don’t want to because everything hurts. Moving will make the soreness end sooner! Your muscles are craving warmth and blood flow. Let’s give it to them!
3-5min of Cardio, then…
5 Slow Air Squats
5 Slow Good Mornings
5 Inchworms (no push up)
Specific Warm Up
Test out and warm up each individual movement of the workout and you’ll be ready to roll!
Workout of the Day
Min. A - :30 Arch Hold
Min. B - :30 Hollow Hold
Min. C - 1:00 of Glute Bridges
Min. E - Rest
Workout Notes
This workout is designed to complement whatever version of MURPH you did yesterday. It is decidedly very static, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult or important! This type of work is tedious, but it is essential to keeping your core functioning properly!
Optional Accessory Work
If you did Murph yesterday, I highly recommend you go right to the stretches!
If you did not do Murph yesterday, feel free to get in 10-20min of steady state cardio before you stretch. We spend a ton of time taking our heart rates way up and down in different intervals. It’s healthy to also spend time with your heart rate in a moderate place, steady, for 10-20min at a time.
Cool Down
1-2min Couch Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg
1-2min PVC T-Spine Stretch