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Workout 99 - Swing, Plank, Lunge


20 Russian KB Swings

20 Plank Up-Downs

10 Walking Lunges

General Warm Up

3-5min of Easy Cardio of Choice, followed by…


30 Double Unders or 30 Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up

Prep your swings with the Kettlebell Swing Primer.

Workout of the Day


KB Swing Modifications

If you are unable to do any of the swing variations in the video, you can sub in Kettlebell Deadlifts or Dumbbell Deadlifts, or some slow and controlled Good Mornings. If you are equipment free for this one, Power Jumps will do the trick!

Plank Up-Down Modifications

The 20 reps of the plank up-down should be a steady, controlled ~30 seconds or so. If you aren’t equipped for the plank up-down, just accumulate about 30 seconds of any Front Plank variation that works for you!

Walking Lunge Modifications

The lunge is a very hard movement! If 10 walking lunges (5 per leg) is too many for you, feel free to bring the reps down, do Assisted Lunges, or swap them out for Air Squats. If your legs are feeling good today and you are great with lunges, you can feel free to add some weight here. If you did Murph at the top of the week, you probably won’t need to!

Optional Accessory Work

3-5 Rounds

:30 Rest

Then… accumulate 1-3min in an inversion of your choice from the Handstand video.

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds

1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat

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